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Sunday, August 5, 2012


C - Career
H - Hardships
A - Accident
N - New Adoption Agency
G - Gratefulness
E - Endeavors

Obviously I haven't written in awhile, life has completely changed for the Cone's!  I thought this blog would primarily be about our adoption experience, but I realize that LIFE happens all around us even as we go through the adoption process, so I thought I might as well catch you up on all the other stuff including our adoption news.


At the beginning of May, I started evaluating my life, my career, and the life Daniel and I had and were planning to have in the future.  I realized that life was just too busy and the constraints put on me and my time were more than I needed or wanted.  Through lots of prayers and tears, I decided to leave JCIL after 7 1/2 years.  The decision was bittersweet, lots of blood, sweat, and tears went into my work while I was there.  I feel like I made a difference and gave of myself, I just didn't feel I could maintain the same level of care when God blesses us with a little one.  This was a big decision, this was the job that brought me to Tennessee, where I met some close friends, this job was the reason I met Daniel.  I wasn't just leaving a job, I was leaving a little bit of myself behind.  Overall, I know it was the right decision and I am grateful for the years and years of memories.  Daniel, of course, has been nothing but supportive and gracious through my ups and downs, doubts, and tears. 


The decision to leave my job was HARD.  Dealing with finances is HARD.  Waiting for our child is HARD. Life is HARD. But, by God's grace with are making it!  Even through the HARD, we are trusting Him and knowing that His mighty hand is taking care of us.


May 25, 2012 was the day my life and the life of my family, particularly my mom, changed forever.  It was a beautiful day, it was the Friday before the holiday, it was a normal day.  Unfortunately, something "not normal" happened that day.  I was working and received a phone call from my mom, I knew it wasn't good, never ever did I expect to hear the words come out of her mouth, but they did.  "Rich is gone, he was on his motorcycle, I need you." I was in shock, didn't know what to do, didn't even know all the details, but we literally threw things in the car and left.  Daniel and I were both in a haze, but 8 hours later we were in IL.  I'm not sure what instinct kicked in, but it was an efficient one and I felt like I was a commander in some kind of secret operation.  I didn't know where we were, how to navigate the task, and how the heck we even got here.  "Uncharted Territory" was the name of the game and I was the one everyone looked to, thankfully I had lots of back up. Looking back, I am so thankful my instincts kicked in and I could be useful.  I was awe struck by the outpouring of love and care that came to my family that week.  I was humbled by the people who not only cared for me, but my mom.  Life is definitely not the same, but we are making it.  Rich will be missed, and we are now living our life in the "new normal". 

New Adoption Agency
In the midst of all the other activities going on, we also changed adoption agencies.  We are now pursuing our adoption through Life Choices of Memphis.  The only place newborns so we are excited about that prospect and the agency is very much on top of things.  Agape was wonderful, but they were not proceeding with the homestudy and did not have any future dates to give us.  From what we heard, it was personnel issues and they didn't have the manpower to pursue paperwork.  They were very gracious and even refunded our application fee.  We have had orientation with Life Choices and now are working on the application.  Our 3-ring binder of papers to go through is a little daunting, but we are trying to make headway.  Daniel is gonna have some homework while I'm gone to IL next week so we can get our application in by the middle to the end of August.  Collecting all the documents needed and filling out so many questionnaire's is very overwhelming, but it's bringing us one step closer to the little one God has for us.  We are trusting Him and know that His timing is perfect, even with the delays.   


Through the last few months, as I reflect all that has happened, I am grateful.  I am grateful for Daniel and the support he has given me, for family and friends encouraging me and giving us guidance, and to God for blessing us and helping us be obedient.  I know Daniel and I could not and can not get through all the challenges life brings without the grace and love from God.  It is not easy, that was never the guarantee, but knowing that we have lots of support definitely helps.  The list of things we are grateful for would be endless, but learning how to trust no matter what the situation is something I am learning to be grateful for everyday.  Unfortunately, it's something I have to be reminded to do everyday.


Now that August is upon us and the fall is fastly approaching, we are gearing up for what's to come.  We are working on our adoption application and will submit that in the next few weeks.  We will be celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary on August 25th!!!  We will be spending time with family over Labor Day weekend.  My birthday is in September.  We will be doing our homestudy sometime in the fall, then will be officially waiting.  By the time we get through the fall, it'll be the holidays and we will be ringing in 2013.  Time flies and it's hard to believe how fast the year goes, but I think I have learned this year that our time is precious and nothing in this life is guaranteed. Also, the plans we set out don't even compare to the plans God has for us. 

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